Sunday, September 29, 2013

My interview with a witch

For my paper I really wanted to interview an expert from the Salem Witchcraft Museum but I was not able to get responses back in time. So I found a real life witch name Kim Spink who lives here in Denver. She is only 19 years old but says she has known she was a witch since she was a little girl. Unfortunately because of our schedules we were unable to do the interview over the phone so it was conducted over email. This interview with Kim made me realizes the witches are more about earth, spirit, and energy. Witches are not all evil devil worshipers who cast spells on others. This makes me think that a lot more of the accusations of the Salem Witch Trials were truly false. Here are a few of my interview questions with Kim.  

Do you think that all the people killed in the Salem Witch Trials were actually witches?

No, I think that a lot of the people of Salem were just scared of the unknown. A few
people made accusations and people followed. I don’t think that anyone should be
sentenced to death, witch or not, but I believe the people who were killed in this time
were not all witches.

When you go out do you ever dress in special witch ware or just in normal clothes?       

Haha I don’t really have special “witch ware” and I am a normal person so I wear normal
clothes. I do have ceremonial attire for special occasions but besides that we as witches
mostly just want to blend in. Wearing all black, scary makeup and pointy hats wouldn't
really help serve that purpose.  Even in the past, witches were not preserved as good so
we wanted to look as normal as possible.

How does it make you feel that people portray witches as ugly woman on brooms who
worship the devil?

I think that a lot of people need to understand that the idea of the devil is actually a
Christian deity and really has nothing to do with witches. What I personally believe is to
be the best person possible, teach others, love people and the earth, honor my
family, forgive, and be true to myself and my beliefs. Besides, why would I want to 
believe what I believe in is evil? Also if you think about it most religious people practice 
a form of magic, it’s just called a prayer.  

Getting to know a witch was definitely interesting. I don’t know if I am completely sold on the whole magic thing but I do believe its each individual prerogative.

1 comment:

  1. What a fascinating idea for an interview! Great questions!
